contractor installing siding

How Much Does Siding Installation Cost in Charlotte, NC?

Wondering how much does siding installation cost in Charlotte, NC? From metal to vinyl siding we’ll help you calculate to cost from contractors near you.

Siding Costs in Charlotte North Carolina by Material:

Siding MaterialAverage Cost / Square Foot
Wood Siding$2.11–$5.14
Vinyl Siding$3.40–$11.51 
Metal Siding$2.81–$8.14
Fiber cement Siding$5.20–$13.09
Composite Siding$3.87–$6.38 
Insulated Vinyl Siding$3.67–$11.61 

Costs are estimates and vary by brand, material, and total square foot covered

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Siding Installation Cost Per Square Foot – Charlotte, NC

If you’re looking to upgrade the exterior of your home in Charlotte with a fresh new siding installation, know that the cost will depend on factors like the size and design of your house, as well as local labor rates. To get an idea of what materials may set you back, take a look at this handy list containing average prices for various types of external siding:

Siding TypeCost Per Sq. Ft.Typical Price Range
Aluminum$1.52 – $7.02$3,500 – $14,001
Brick Siding$5.02 – $15.05$10,250 – $30,005
Fiber Cement$5.03 – $12.00$11,102 – $24,000
Hardie Board$7.02 – $13.17$15,152 – $19,104
Natural Stone$28.01 – $50.25$55,000 – $100,002
Stucco Siding$5.11 – $9.08$9,000 – $17,305
Vinyl Siding$3.56 – $11.07$4,700 – $15,500
Wood Siding$8.01 – $12.09$16,000 – $24,000

RESOURCE GUIDE: By Siding Material

Vinyl Siding Cost
Aluminum Siding Cost
Fiber Cement Siding Cost
Metal Siding Cost
Stucco Siding Cost
Wood Siding Cost
Insulated Siding Cost
Steel Siding Cost
Composite Siding Cost

Find Charlotte Siding Companies Near You

Connect with local siding companies in Charlotte North Carolina. Listed below are trusted siding contractors near you:

Crown Builders Siding & Windows, Inc.
3111 Monroe Rd
Charlotte, NC 28205

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Hatch Homes
10130 Mallard Creek Rd Suite 300
Charlotte, NC 28262

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Belk Builders
401 Hawthorne Ln #110
Charlotte, NC 28204

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Siding Installation in Charlotte, NC

Siding installation is a common home improvement project in Charlotte, NC. The right type of siding can improve the appearance of your home, increase its energy efficiency, and protect it from the elements. Here’s what you need to know about siding installation in Charlotte, NC.

Types of Siding:

There are several types of siding materials that can be used for installation in Charlotte, NC, including:

  1. Vinyl Siding – Vinyl siding is a popular choice for homeowners in Charlotte, NC, as it is affordable, durable, and requires minimal maintenance.
  2. Fiber Cement Siding – Fiber cement siding is a long-lasting option that can withstand extreme weather conditions and resist rot, termites, and fire.
  3. Wood Siding – Wood siding provides a natural look and feel to a home, but it requires regular maintenance to prevent rot and insect damage.
  4. Aluminum Siding – Aluminum siding is durable, lightweight, and easy to install, but it may not be suitable for extremely hot or humid climates.

Siding Installation Process:

Siding installation typically involves the following steps:

  1. Inspection and Preparation – Before installation, a professional siding contractor will inspect your home’s exterior and prepare it for the new siding. This may include removing old siding, repairing any damage, and ensuring that the surface is clean and dry.
  2. Siding Installation – The contractor will then begin installing the new siding, starting with the bottom row and working their way up. They will use special tools to secure the siding panels to the wall and ensure that they are properly aligned and spaced.
  3. Finishing Touches – Once the siding is installed, the contractor will add any necessary trim pieces and seal all the seams and gaps to ensure that the siding is weatherproof.
  4. Clean-Up – Finally, the contractor will clean up the work area and dispose of any debris or waste materials.

Benefits of Siding Installation:

There are many benefits of siding installation for homeowners in Charlotte, NC. Some of these include:

  1. Improved Curb Appeal – New siding can dramatically improve the appearance of your home, making it more attractive to potential buyers and increasing its overall value.
  2. Energy Efficiency – High-quality siding can help to insulate your home, reducing your energy bills and making your home more comfortable.
  3. Durability – Siding installation can protect your home from the elements, including wind, rain, and hail, and prevent damage from pests and rot.
  4. Low Maintenance – Some types of siding, such as vinyl, require very little maintenance, making them a convenient choice for busy homeowners.

In summary, siding installation is an important home improvement project that can provide many benefits to homeowners in Charlotte, NC. By choosing the right type of siding and working with a professional contractor, you can improve the appearance, energy efficiency, and durability of your home for years to come.

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